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June 2, 2016

Love note to my new life- Business Owner Chronicles

Posted in: Personal

It’s late night on the first of the month… and I had to finally sit down to write this particular post.

It’s been two and a half months since I left the corporate world to run our family business and this awesome beauty team. HOW ON EARTH HAS THAT MUCH TIME PASSED ALREADY!!!???!!! I know you’re thinking “hey homegirl, you’re a bit slow!” hahahah!! well, let’s just say that whole post I wrote on balance last year, well, now it has a new meaning!

Anyway- I thought I would write a post that shared my thoughts at this point in my journey. Partially so I could reflect and the other part of me wanted to make sure I had this shout out to myself that I could refer back to whenever I might come across a tougher day in the future. I hope when I read this then, I always remember how proud of myself I am right at this moment.

The last several weeks have been a bit of a blur, but the most awesome blur ever. To think that my mom and I started the beauty team about 4 years ago and now it’s grown to cover the mid-atlantic, with amazing Artists I consider family, and getting to service the most awesome people day in and day out. I’ve gotten to finally have lunch meetings with “friendors” (that’s a fellow vendor who is a friend for non-wedding industry people), do fun photoshoots, work isn’t really like work, I’ve been able to be super creative for the first time in a long time, forged awesome new relationships with other talented people, and… wait for it… even gotten to work on a few (just a few, I can’t lie to you all) of my domestic skills. I’m not sure if my husband is more excited or worried. Hahaha!!!

As wedding season has begun, I’ve found that I’m able to give just a bit more of my time and attention to our clients, specifically our brides, who I hope just a friendly voice can bring some calm to in the middle of the craziness. I’m able to be a little less tired and stressed with every moment that passes and Lord knows, I’m no longer starting every day feeling a little farther from 100% and now a little closer to it instead!! YAY- Happy dance!!! It’s really exhilarating to think I contributed to creating our family’s future. Took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and I try to rock it every day! The real life American Dream.

So- can’t wait to share more on this journey as the months pass. I can’t tell enough people how much I appreciate them and their support. Literally every person in my life (however much or little) has had an impact on me (maybe I just realize it now). When you see a business owner of any kind, I urge you to give them the encouragement I’ve been given. It is life and attitude altering.  If you are reading this, thank you, thank you, thank you. And I hope we continue to make you proud and give you something to cheer on in the many months and years to come!






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