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January 15, 2018

Awards… What Do They Mean?

Posted in: Awards, Business, Our Artists, Our Brides, Personal, Recognition, Relationships

This week we earned another Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award… our 5th in a row! How exciting- I love that we work hard all year and we get to see a reward for that on top of all the happy faces we get to service!!

But- some people ask… “what does that mean?”

I usually will very quickly explain that it’s an award based on client reviews, but to be honest, it’s so much more. It’s feedback that people were thankfully willing to give about their great experience. When you think about it, people are more likely to talk about their bad experiences than good… so making sure we are so good that they WANT to tell people is really key to our business! I love that people want to share the GOOD when there is so much bad in a lot of places! I love that people feel invested in our business to want to help us grow. They may not know it, but every good and kind word is further credibility to this world that we’re doing something right!! And that’s really what every business owner and especially in the wedding and service industry, needs to hear!!

No horror stories here… all excellent customer service, great results, and happy clients!! We thank you again for another wonderful year of making people feel beautiful!!



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